Internet for Two Rural Schools
Funding Goal-
Funds Raised -
Kids Impacted
Requested Item |
Item Cost |
# of Items |
Total |
Phum Thnal - internet service fee |
$350 |
1 year contract |
$350 |
Sandan - internet service fee |
$250 |
1 year contract |
$250 |
*Mira Project Support |
15% |
1 |
$90 |
Subtotal, not including project support |
$600 |
Donation includes: (a) PayPal secured processing (2.2% + $0.30 per transaction), (b) administration and technology to ensure this project reaches goal
About This Project:
The Internet has a wealth of language videos, programs, and research material for both the teachers and the students at the Sandan and Phum Thnal schools in northern Cambodia. Most of the students — here and in the entire province — will not continue in school past 8th grade due to economic push factors and the pending need to support the family. So, English lessons received in 3rd grade through middle school are critical to prepare them for the workforce, and bilingual skills are a major determining factor in the pay scale in this high tourism area. The purpose of this project is to provide the tools to potentially accelerate or strengthen the students’ interaction in English, thereby strengthening their earning potential.
About This Organization: Family Care Cambodia (FCC)
Per FCC – “FCC is recognized by the Cambodian government with MOUs from Ministries of Foreign Affairs, and Education, Youth, and Sports. Our activities include: translation, production and distribution of children’s books, and assisting a shelter for minor girls rescued from sexual exploitation and domestic violence. We provide English, computer and art classes; rice and cooking gas monthly, and weaving looms and sewing machines for vocational training. We built and maintain a second story with bedrooms and lavatories. At a primary school in Siem Reap, we built and furnished an IT lab, teacher’s office, 3-classroom school building and student lavatories. 300+ students benefit from our English, computer and sports training. 60 students benefit from our assisting a village school. We operate a hostel for 20 rural boarding students earning their post graduate degrees. We also help with the annual Cambodian Special Olympic Games.